Our faculty present their research in many ways that contribute to knowledge and advancement in their disciplines. We're proud of their scholarly work. This list includes published research, conference presentations, advancing knowledge in areas of practice, teaching, and service.
The Role of Research
This creative energy finds its way into classroom discussions and student generated research. As a by-product of this emphasis on research, our students participate in the culture of research, are taught by recognized and respected experts in their fields of study and, for those who aspire to graduate studies, are better prepared to move forward into graduate programs.
Faculty Research and Publications Report
Each year, Booth University College publishes a Faculty Research and Publications Report to showcase how our faculty members are actively engaged in the creation of knowledge, and to profile their publications and professional achievements.
Published Work by Booth UC Faculty
Access the latest books published by (or with contributions from) Booth University College faculty.
Settled Views: The Shorter Writings of Catherine Booth, edited by Andrew M. Eason & Roger J Green, October 2017. Dr. Andrew Eason is Director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Director of the Centre for Salvation Army Studies.
In September 2016, Dr. Roy Jeal’s essay “Sociorhetorical Intertexture” was published in Exploring Intertextuality: Diverse Strategies for New Testament Use of Texts.
In August 2016 Dr. Roy Jeal’s essay “Clothes Make the (Wo)Man” was included in Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration: A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (RRA4).
Saved, Sanctified and Serving: Perspectives on Salvation Army Theology and Practice, by Denis Metrustery – with a chapter by Dr. Andrew Eason, Director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences: “Go into all the world…” An overview of Salvationist Missiology
The Book of Revelation: A non-scary approach, by Major Philip Davisson
Exploring Philemon: Freedom, Brotherhood, and Partnership in the New Society, by Dr. Roy Jeal, Professor of Religion
For His Eyes Only: The Women of James Bond, contributor: Dr. Michael Boyce, Vice President Academic and Dean and Associate Professor, English and Film Studies Program
Colossians-Philemon: A Beginning-Intermediate Greek Reader, by Dr. Roy Jeal, Professor of Religion
Boundless Salvation: The Shorter Writings of William Booth, co-edited by Dr. Andrew Eason, Director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Roger Green, Professor at Gordon College in Massachusetts
The Lasting Influence of the War on Postwar British Film, by Dr. Michael Boyce, Vice President Academic and Dean and Associate Professor, English and Film Studies Program
When Justice is the Measure, by Dr. James E. Read, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Ethics