Rhonda Friesen
Dean of Students
With over 25 years’ experience as a higher education administrator, Rhonda is passionate about the positive contribution education makes for both individuals and their communities.Stemming from an early career background in community development and international relations, Rhonda brings a commitment to community engagement, inclusion, and social justice to her practice. In her role as Dean of Students at Booth University College, in Winnipeg, MB, Rhonda is tenacious about creating an institutional environment in which students can thrive in their pursuit of higher education.
Rhonda is a PhD Candidate in the field of Education Administration at the University of Manitoba, where her research focusses on assessing the social impact of higher education in the local community. Rhonda has been a Board of Director for the Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education (CSSHE) and has been a participating member in several Canadian higher education associations.
Rhonda and her husband live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, near to their three grown children and spouses. She loves nothing better than spending quality family time, especially if it involves sailing, hiking, or camping.
PhD (Candidate) Educational Administration, University of Manitoba
M.Ed. Adult & Post-Secondary Education, University of Manitoba
B.A. International Development, University of Guelph
B.A. Biblical Studies, Providence College
Friesen, R. (2012). Faculty member engagement in Canadian university internationalization: A consideration of understanding, motivations and rationales. Journal of Studies in International Education. July 5, 2012 doi:10.1177/1028315312451132.
Friesen, R. (2011). Higher education consortia as frameworks for global citizenship: Post-secondary institutions as corporate global citizens in a globalized world. In L. Shultz, A Abdi, G. Richardson (Eds.), Global Citizenship Education in Post-Secondary Institutions: Theories, Practices, Policies. New York, N.Y.: Peter Lang Publishing.
Friesen R. (2009). The growth and development of internationalization at Canadian universities: An overview. Graduate Student Symposium. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB. https://umanitoba.ca/faculties/education/media/Friesen-09.pdf
Conference Presentations
2023 A Conversation Around Campus-wide Assessment Tools, Christian Higher Education Canada (CHEC), Annual Conference workshop, May 29, 2023.
2019 College of New Caledonia Student Affairs Workshop. CHERD Professional Development Series, Prince George, BC.
2018 Poverty Awareness Urban Walk-About. Canadian Assoc of Christians in Student Development annual conference, Winnipeg, MB.
2016 Framing the discussion: Key considerations for strategic internationalization. Keynote address, ILO Day, Universities Canada, Montreal QC. https://www.slideshare.net/RhondaFriesen/strategic-internationalisation-ilo-mtgs-feb-2016-2
2016 Internationalization and faculty engagement: Comparative perspectives from Canada, Australia and the USA, Association of International Education Administrators, Montreal, QC.
2016 Reciprocity in Internationalization: How can North-South cooperation be sustainable?, Association of International Education Administrators, Montreal, QC.
2016 Social Responsibility or Institutional Prosperity? Towards an Ethical Model of Internationalization, Association of International Education Administrators, Montreal, QC.
2015 Using data to shape responsible internationalization strategies: lessons learned from Canadian universities, Australian International Education Conference, Adelaide, South Australia. https://aiec.idp.com/uploads/pdf/PDFs%20AIEC%202015/1180_Rhonda_Friesen.pdf
2013 Making internationalization count: Measuring education abroad, Canadian Bureau for International Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
2013 Social Responsibility or Institutional Prosperity? Towards an Ethical Model of Internationalization, Canadian Bureau for International Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
2013 Measuring internationalization: data collection and performance measurement, Annual ILO Meetings, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, Ottawa, ON
2012 Role of the International Liaison Officer, Annual ILO Meetings, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, Ottawa, ON
2012 Best Practices in North-South Partnerships: University of Manitoba-University of Nairobi Partnership Model; IDRC-AUCC Leaders’ Symposium – New models of North-South partnerships closing plenary
2011 Celebrating Manitoba-India Cooperation in Higher Education: An Academic Symposium. One day symposium of educational and research partnerships between the University of Manitoba and various Indian partner institutions and agencies.
2010 Celebrating Manitoba-China Cooperation in Higher Education: An Academic Symposium. One day symposium of educational and research partnerships between the University of Manitoba and various Chinese partner institutions and agencies.
2010 The Impact of Changes in European Higher Education: Challenges & Opportunities. One day symposium for academic administrators featuring guest speakers from Europe.
2009 Internationalization of higher education in Winnipeg and Umeå: Exploring priorities and possibilities. Workshop delivered for academic and administrative staff at Umeå University, Sweden.
2009 Internationalization of higher education: A response to globalization. Workshop delivered to academic administrators of the University of Manitoba
2007 Faculty as Key to Internationalization and Student Mobility, Canadian Bureau for International Education Annual Conference: Ottawa, Ontario