The Certificate in Leadership Essentials is for aspiring and emerging leaders. Gain the critical skills needed to lead in this era of compounding complexity. This program teaches social, emotional, relational, socio-political, and analytical literacies.

- 11-month certificate program (not for credit)
This program is delivered entirely online.
The Certificate in Leadership Essentials meets the urgent needs of communities and organizations everywhere. It aims to redefine and reimagine what leadership is and how it functions. The program takes a holistic view of leadership. We'll focus on learning, listening, and connecting to the collective intelligence of groups and organizations. The program promotes leadership that is emergent, collaborative, and responsive. This is a critical approach in a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty.
Next Intake
Fall 2025
What You'll Learn
Here’s what you can expect to learn in this program, in addition to our Institutional Learning Outcomes:
- Transform your understanding of leadership and your role as a leader in today’s dynamic workplaces.
- Deploy strategies to create productive, aligned, and focused teams through collaborative, trusting relationships and skillful communication.
- Apply a systems-thinking lens to support effective leadership in dynamic, complex, and uncertain environments.
- Shift the culture of your workplace to healthy, ethical, and inclusive ways of being.
- Apply a socially just, decolonizing, and critical thinking approach to leadership.
MGT001 Essentials for Leading the Self
This module exposes some of the leadership myths and mindsets that no longer serve the needs of our organizations, communities, or the world. One of those myths is that you cannot be a leader without a title, position, or particular role in your organization or community. However, the kind of leadership required now is not defined by your position, but by the choices you make every day to positively impact the people and environment around you. You’ll discover that you do have the power to influence the system you work within, but you must first be acutely aware of cultural, social, political, and organizational structures and systems that influence your values, identity, and worldview. That is why leadership must begin with the ability to lead yourself first. Emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and deep insight are the bedrock of effective self-leadership.
MGT002 Essentials for Leading Teams and Relationships
This module explores how you can positively influence the formation of the complex, interconnected system of relationships we call a “team.” You’ll look at why some of the current paradigms of team structure do not adequately address the inevitable issues of unconscious power, identity, and inclusion, and you’ll learn how to apply the principles of adaptive leadership to any relationship. You’ll learn a framework for team functioning that will enable you to work skillfully with conflict, leverage diverse views and voices, and create team relationships that truly get results.
MGT003 Essentials for Leading People Practices for Organizational Success
This module will expose you to the most current HR practices you’ll need to attract, retain, manage, and inspire your team and develop skills that can create a healthy, respectful, and thriving workplace culture. You’ll learn about the key factors in equity and access that lead to diversity in your team’s experiences and deepen relationships and trust. You’ll also develop practices for enabling emotional, mental, social, and spiritual health in your workplace and discover what makes organizations truly sustainable, inclusive, and engaging.
MGT004 Essentials for Leading in Organizations
Our work and leadership take place in the complex ecosystems of relationships we call organizations. This module will equip you with the tools, skills, and mindset to constructively influence and promote change, understand the psychology of change, and apply powerful tools for initiating system-wide change within your organizational systems. You’ll explore your own beliefs about power, the different kinds of power available to you, and how to wield your levers of influence in more healthy, conscious, and effective ways. You’ll also learn about diverse leadership and organizational models and challenge yourself to decolonize your leadership practice. You’ll learn how to create shared meaning around organizational mission, vision, and goals to create clarity, alignment, and momentum.
Course Sequence: September 2025 – July 2026
2025-2026: Fall Intersession – Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 2025
- MGT001 Essentials for Leading the Self
2025-2026: Winter Intersession – Jan. 12, 2026 – Mar. 13, 2026
- MGT002 Essentials for Leading Teams and Relationships
2025-2026: Winter Intersession – Mar. 30 - May 22, 2026
- MGT003 Essentials for Leading People Practices for Organizational Success
2025-2026: Spring Intersession – Jun. 8 - Jul. 31, 2026
- MGT004 Essentials for Leading in Organizations
Admission Requirements
Review the admission requirements for this program, plus specific details for mature students, international students, and high school equivalencies for applicants outside Manitoba.
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Our Admissions Team is happy to provide more information or help you through the application process. Contact us if you'd like to learn more about Booth University College or any of our programs.