These materials are useful for basic research in Religion. If you need more help with your research or finding resources, contact Library staff.
Searching for Books
Library Catalogue
Find books at our library catalogue. The items you need will likely be found in the following areas:
Virtually browse the shelves
Did you find a good book and want to see related books nearby? Select Browse the Shelf on the book’s item details page. Use the arrow keys on either side to see what other books have been shelved in that subject and might be useful for your papers.

Articles & Databases
- ATLA Religion Database: Articles from academic journals and citations to books in Religion and related fields. Use Scripture Search to find all articles on a specific scripture. See the Searching ATLA guide for instructions on how to use Scripture Search
- Academic Search Premier: Indexes journals and magazines from all subject areas, some full-text available.
- JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal Archive: Back issues of important scholarly journals. All full text.
- Canadian Reference Centre: Indexes Canadian journals, newspapers, and magazine.
- Open access journals relating to religion: Extensive list of all titles related to biblical, religious, and theological studies that have their full-text content available online for no cost.
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library: Classic Christian literature in the public domain, from the early Church fathers to the 19th century.
- Bible Gateway: A tool for reading and researching scripture online.
- Research in Ministry: Index to D.Min. projects at reporting schools of theology.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): Covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, including arts, biology, history, religion, and social sciences.
- American Theological Library Association Digital Library: Maps; charts; Greek, Roman, & Byzantine coins; French medieval iconography; illuminations; papyri; photographs; slides; Wesley manuscripts & memorabilia
- Theses Canada: Contains full text Canadian theses.
The following journals deal with theology. Booth UC Library has either a current subscription or back issues of all of these titles. Click on the title to view which issues the library has.
- Asbury Theological Journal: useful for biblical and theological topics
- Biblical Theology Bulletin
- Bibliotheca Sacra
- Catholic Biblical Quarterly (CBQ): includes many non-Roman Catholic authors
- Church History
- Currents in Theology and Mission
- Evangelical Quarterly: a British publication, very useful for biblical and theological studies
- Expository Times : a Scottish publication, very useful for preaching materials
- Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT)
- Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (JSOT)
- Journal of Biblical Literature (JBL)
- Journal of Theological Studies (JTS): an important journal for both biblical and theological studies
- New Testament Studies (NTS)
- Novum Testamentum (NT)
- Review and Expositor
- Review of Theological Literature: reviews newly published material, especially European and British
- Scottish Journal of Theology
- Semeia
- Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
- Studies in Religion: a Canadian publication, useful for researching Christian and non-Christian religions
- Touchstone
- Tyndale Bulletin
- Vetus Testamentum (VT)
- Wesley & Methodist Studies
Writing and Citing
Religion and Theology Links
- Religious Studies Web Guide: An internet resource guide compiled and maintained at the University of Calgary Library.
- Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library: A free, multidisciplinary, open access, digital resource of books, literature, multimedia material, and archives initiated by the global Church of The Nazarene.
- Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Online version of the 1996 print edition.
- The Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism : The Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism is a multilingual online library that offers access free of charge to more than 650,000 full-text articles journals, books and other resources. Its focus is on theology, intercultural, and interreligious dialogue, ethics, and ecumenism in World Christianity.
- Day Missions Collection: The collection originally focused on institutional histories, missionary biography, the annual reports of missionary societies, periodicals, and works prepared by missionaries for the use of the peoples of mission fields, as well as related literature in areas such as ethnology, geography, comparative religions, and linguistics.
- Pluralism Project: Harvard University portal for religious diversity news, resources, and student, staff, and affiliate research.
- ATLA Websites on Religion: Excellent site with very well chosen links.
- Virtual Religion Index: Covers theology of several religions as well as philosophy with respect to theology. Quite extensive and useful for biblical studies as well.
Finding Primary Sources
Primary sources are first-hand accounts created close to the time of the person, event, or period that is being studied. Examples of primary source material are diaries, speeches, correspondence, autobiographies, and newspapers.
Some keywords you could use in your search are:
- letters
- sources
- correspondence
- narratives
- works
- diaries
- personal
- speeches
- interviews
Commentaries and Bible Dictionaries
Bible Commentaries
Bible commentaries can be found in two places – Reference Collection and Main Collection. In the Reference Collection, they're organized by series. In the Main Collection, they're shelved among the book of the Bible they're on. For example, the New Century Bible Commentary on Isaiah is shelved in BS 491.2 with the other New Century Bible Commentaries in the Reference Collection. In the Main Collection, it is shelved in BS 1515.3 with the other books on Isaiah.
Some common commentaries are:
- Cambridge Bible Commentary
- Expositor’s Bible Commentary
- Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
- New Century Bible Commentary
- New Interpreter’s Bible Commentary
- NIV Application Commentary
- Pulpit Commentary
- Westminster Bible Companion
- Word Biblical Commentary
Bible Dictionaries
Most Bible dictionaries are located in the Reference Collection in the BS 440s.
Some common Bible dictionaries are:
Where to find books of the Bible
Old Testament
- Genesis: BS 1231
- Exodus: BS 1241
- Leviticus: BS 1251
- Numbers: BS 1261
- Deuteronomy: BS 1271
- Joshua: BS 1291
- Judges: BS 1301
- Ruth: BS 1311
- 1 & 2 Samuel: BS 1321
- 1 & 2 Kings: BS 1331
- Ezra: BS 1351
- Nehemiah: BS 1361
- Esther: BS 1371
- Job: BS 1411
- Psalms & Proverbs: BS 1421
- Ecclesiastes: BS 1471
- Songs of Songs: BS 1481
- Isaiah: BS 1511
- Jeremiah: BS 1521
- Lamentations: BS 1531
- Ezekiel: BS 1541
- Daniel: BS 1551
- Hosea: BS 1561
- Joel: BS 1571
- Amos: BS 1581
- Obadiah: BS 1591
- Jonah: BS 1601
- Micah: BS 1611
- Nahum: BS 1621
- Habakkuk: BS 1631
- Zephaniah: BS 1641
- Haggai: BS 1651
- Zechariah: BS 1661
- Malachi: BS 1671
New Testament
- Matthew: BS 2570
- Mark: BS 2580
- Luke: BS 2590
- John: BS 2600
- Acts: BS 2620
- Romans: BS 2660
- 1 & 2 Corinthians: BS 2670
- Galatians: BS 2680
- Ephesians: BS 2690
- Philippians: BS 2700
- Colossians: BS 2710
- 1 & 2 Thessalonias: BS 2720
- 1 & 2 Timothy: BS 2740
- Titus: BS 2750
- Philemon: BS 2760
- Hebrews: BS 2770
- James: BS 2780
- 1 & 2 Peter: BS 2790
- 1, 2 & 3 John: BS 2800
- Jude: BS 2810
- Revelation: BS 2820