These materials are useful for basic research in The Salvation Army. If you need more help with your research or finding resources, contact Library staff.
Searching for Books
Library Catalogue
Search for books in our Library Catalogue.
Salvation Army Collection
All Salvation Army materials are kept in our separate Salvation Army Collection. In the catalogue record, they're located in the Booth Salvation Army Collection. Find them on the West side of the library, near the main seating area.
Before you sit down at the computer, be prepared with the scope of your topic (year range, countries, key people, etc...).
If your paper is on the development of a particular SA doctrine, procedure, or practice, then your search should be for histories, writings of the originator(s), handbooks for officers, cadets, trainees, etc., or official doctrinal statements. Determine whether you are investigating your topic’s origins or its development over a period of time.
If you are researching an individual, then biographies and the writings, speeches, etc. of that person are going to be your main sources of information.
The items you need will likely be found in the following areas:
- BR: Christianity
- BS: Bible
- SArmy BT: Doctrinal Theology
- SArmy BV: Practical Theology
- BX 6195-6197: Arminian
- BX 8201-8495: Methodism
- SArmy BX 9701-9743: Salvation Army
Browse Shelves Virtually
Did you find a good book and want to see related books nearby? Select Browse the Shelf on the book’s item details page. Use the arrow keys on either side to see what other books have been shelved in that subject and might be useful for your papers.

Articles and Databases
The following is a small sample of journals available in this field:
- Australasian Journal of Salvation Army History
- Caring
- Central Connection (US Central)
- Good News (US East)
- Journal of Aggressive Christianity
- New Frontier (US Western)
- Officer
- On Fire
- Others
- Peer
- SA Worship Magazine
- Salvationist (Canada)
- Salvos (Aus)
- War Cry (Canada) archives
- War Cry (UK)
- War Cry (US)
- War Cry (Aus)
- Word & Deed
- Word and Worship Resources for Salvationists
- ATLAS Religion Database: Articles from academic journals and citations to books in religion and related fields.
- Academic Search Premier: Indexes journals and magazines from all subject areas, some full-text available.
- JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal Archive: Back issues of important scholarly journals. All full text.
- Canadian Reference Centre: Indexes Canadian journals, newspapers, and magazines.
- Theses Canada: Contains full text Canadian theses.
Writing and Citing
Reference Material
Reference material is located in the northwest corner of the library. It's intended for use in the library only. Photocopy or scan the pages you need.
A bibliography of Salvation Army literature in English – SA REF BX 9721.2 M69
The archives can be an invaluable source of information. Before you email the Heritage Centre or Archives, make sure you have specific questions you want answered. Don’t ask for “information on Evangeline Booth” or “anything you can tell me about…” They have a great deal of information and can’t answer broad or vague questions.
Let them know your thesis statement and then list 4-5 specific answers you're looking for.
Salvation Army Resources Online
- Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library: A free, multidisciplinary, open access, digital resource of books, literature, multimedia material, and archives initiated by the global Church of the Nazarene.
- ArmyBarmy Library: Collection of online video, audio, and print materials about the Salvation Army.
- Main site for the Salvation Army in Canada.
- War Cry (Canadian): Online archives.
- The Salvation Army National Archives (US): Archive of journals and other resources of The Salvation Army US. Contains citation information and a small selection of full text.
- Libreria Cristiana Teologica Virtual: En español. Books and links from the Northwestern Theological Seminary (NTS) Library online
- Wesley Center for Applied Theology: Tambien en español. Collection of historical and scholarly resources about the Wesleyan tradition, theology, Christianity, and the Church of the Nazarene.
- Religious Studies Web Guide: An internet resource guide compiled and maintained at the University of Calgary Library.
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library: Texts of classic Christian books, several by early SA leaders.
- Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Online version of the 1996 print edition.
- ATLA Websites on Religion: Excellent site with very well chosen links.
- Virtual Religion Index: Covers theology of several religions as well as philosophy with respect to theology. Quite extensive and useful for biblical studies as well.
Inernational Salvation Army
Social Justice
- International Social Justice Commission
- International Social Justice Commission materials owned by library
- When justice is the measure by M. Christine MacMillan – BX 97222 J87 M167 2014 Ethics Centre
Human Trafficking
- Knowles Wirsing, E. (2012). Outreach, Collaboration and Services to Survivors of Human Trafficking: The Salvation Army STOP-IT Program’s Work in Chicago, Illinois. Social Work & Christianity, 39(4), 466-480
- Wolf-Branigin, M., Garza, S., & Smith, M. A. (2010). Reducing Demand for Human Trafficking: A Non-linear Approach for Developing Capacity. Social Work & Christianity, 37(4), 424-436.
- The traumatic impact of global human trafficking: implications of the Salvation Army’s cultural and trauma informed services to victims
- Hallmarks of the Salvation Army edited by Henry Gariepy, Stephen Court – SArmy BX 9721 H191 2009
- The Salvation Army’s anti-trafficking training program: Recognizing and serving victims of human trafficking: Training manual prepared by Michael A. Smith – HQ 281 S182 2006 Ethics Centre
- A reference guide for recognizing and serving victims of human trafficking by Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory Social Service Department – SArmy HQ 281 S182 2013
- The Salvation Army International – Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Emergency Services Ministry
- When in need, you can always count on the Salvation Army by The Salvation Army of New London (Feb 10, 2014)
- Emergency Disaster Services – The Salvation Army Canada & Bermuda Territor
- Jellets, J. (2008). Enduring Katrina: A Firsthand Look at The Salvation Army’s Disaster Relief Efforts. Weatherwise, 61(5), 14–19.
The Salvation Army’s Hospital Work
- Pallant, D. (2012). Keeping faith in faith-based organizations : a practical theology of salvation army health ministry. Wipf & Stock.
- Booth, E., & Hill, G. L. (1991). The war romance of the salvation army (Ser. Living books, 21). Tyndale House Pub.
- Salvation Army hospital recognized for excellence: Toronto Grace Health Centre among top four hospitals in Ontario (Jan. 30, 2014)
- Orders and regulations for the league of mercy by The Salvation Army – Shelved by title in Salvation Army files
Women and Equality
- Magezi, V. (2018). Church-driven primary health care: models for an integrated church and community primary health care in Africa (a case study of the Salvation Army in East Africa). Hts: Theological Studies, 74(2), 1–11.
- Murdoch, N. H. (1984). Female ministry in the thought and work of Catherine Booth. Church History, 53(3), 348–362
- Taiz, L. (2001). Hallelujah lads & lasses: Remaking the Salvation Army in America, 1880-1930. University of North Carolina Press
- Marks, L. S. (1996). Revivals and roller rinks: religion, leisure and identity in late nineteenth century small town Ontario (Ser. Studies in gender and history series). University of Toronto Press. – Ch.6 The Salvation Army and the knights of labor: Religion and working-class culture & Ch.7 Hallelujah lasses: Working-class women and the Salvation Arm
- Rader, P. A., & Rader, K. F. (2008). Lest We Lose Our Legacy: Officer Women in The Salvation Army. Priscilla Papers, 22(2), 19–22
- Burrows, E. (2013). The Church and the World Are Better when Women and Men Serve Together. Priscilla Papers, 27(1), 4–5.
- Women in God’s army: Gender and equality in the early Salvation Army by Andrew M. Eason – SArmy BS 9721.3 E37 W66 2003