Completing your academic program is a big accomplishment! Booth University College's community looks forward to celebrating this achievement with you, along with your friends and family. Our Convocation Ceremony occurs in April each year, for students who graduated in October, February, or April of the academic year. If you have any questions, contact Student Services.

Graduation Requirements
As you prepare to graduate from Booth UC don’t forget to take care of some final details. In addition to the graduation requirements for your program, learn about closing accounts, cleaning out your locker, and dealing with outstanding fees or loans.
2025 Spring Convocation Events
President’s Lunch for Graduating Students
Location and time: Feb 26, 2025
Well before the April Convocation ceremony, Booth UC staff are preparing to mark this momentous event! Graduating students are invited to a special information session where details will be reviewed to ensure our grads are prepared for this special occasion.
Convocation Rehearsal
April 25, 2025 1:00 pm
Location: Chapel
All graduating students are required to attend the Convocation Rehearsal the Friday afternoon prior to the Convocation ceremony. The Rehearsal location is Hetherington Chapel, 290 Vaughan Street Booth UC Campus
Grad Photos
A professional photographer will be on campus the week prior to Convocation to take photos of individual graduating students who request this service. Prices are very affordable.
Baccalaureate Service
April 27, 2025 10:30 am
Location: Hetherington Chapel, 290 Vaughan Street
Guest Speaker: Comm Debbie graves
With Convocation taking place on a Sunday, the day begins with a special worship service to reflect and celebrate from the perspective of our Christian faith. All students, friends, family, staff and faculty are welcome! This service takes place in the Booth UC Chapel, Hetherington Chapel, 290 Vaughan Street.
Gowns and Class Photo
April 27, 2025 1:00 pm
Location: 1st floor, Booth UC Campus, 290 Vaughan Street.
All graduating students are asked to gather in the early afternoon for a class photo in their graduation regalia.
Convocation Ceremony
April 27, 2025 3:00 pm
Location: Knox United Church, 400 Edmonton St., Winnipeg, MB
Guest Speaker: Dr Chris Trott
At 3:00 pm the ceremony begins! This is a special time to acknowledge your achievement. Your friends and family are all welcome to attend.
Convocation Reception
April 27, 2025 4.45 pm
Location: Lower Level, Booth UC Campus, 290 Vaughan Street.
Immediately after the ceremony, you're invited to bring friends and family back to the Booth UC campus for a reception of food and connecting with our Booth UC community. It’s a perfect way to conclude a very special day!
Guest Speakers 2025

Commissioner Debbie Graves grew up in Hamilton, Ont., and was ordained and commissioned in 1984. She married then Lieutenant Lee Graves and they served together across the Canada and Bermuda Territory, including in corps appointments in Paris, Toronto, Newmarket and Kitchener, Ont., as divisional youth leaders in the Manitoba and Northwest Ontario Division, and at divisional headquarters in the Alberta and Northern Territories Division.
Prior to her appointment as territorial president of women’s ministries in the Canada and Bermuda Territory in September 2023, Debbie served at International Headquarters as the IHQ chaplain and City of London liaison officer. Previous appointments included as the territorial secretary for leader development in the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory, territorial integrated mission secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries in the Canada and Bermuda Territory, divisional director of women’s ministries in the Ontario Great Lakes Division and executive director of the Ottawa Bethany Hope Centre.
Lee and Debbie have four children and 11 grandchildren.

Chris Trott trained as an anthropologist through working with Inuit on Baffin Island.
He taught anthropology for 15 years at Concordia University in Montreal and then moved to teach in the Indigenous Studies Department at the University of Manitoba. In 2011 he became the Warden of St John’s College, Winnipeg while continuing to teach and conduct research with Inuit. He retired in 2021 and now enjoys time as a volunteer at the Assiniboine Park Zoo.
International Guests
If you have family or friends traveling internationally for Convocation, they may require documentation for their travel permit. For an invitation to Convocation issued by Booth UC, contact the Registrar.
Watch Booth UC's 2024 Spring Convocation
Our 2024 Spring Convocation was held at Knox United Church in Winnipeg.