Get ready for the new academic year! Student orientations help you get familar with the space, resources, and support available to you at Booth University College.
Welcome Week
Celebrate the start of your academic year each fall with Welcome Week.
In the first week of September, our Student Council hosts events to welcome students and celebrate a new year together. Participating in Welcome Week is a great way to begin friendships that will last throughout your time at Booth UC.
Welcome Week activities may include events such as:
- Welcome Week Block Party: Meet friends and neighbours, classmates and instructors. Everyone is welcome to enjoy food and games at this kick-off event.
- Pancake Breakfast: Enjoy a breakfast treat, complete with your favourite toppings, compliments of Student Council.
- Games, movies, scavenger hunts, and more
For more information contact Student Services.
New Student Orientation
Completing the Booth 100 New Student Orientation course and the Booth 101 Library Orientation course is mandatory for all new students. You're automatically enrolled in these courses at the start of your first term at Booth UC. The courses are free of charge. They'll appear in your Populi Information System along with the other courses you're registered for. You're required to complete the Orientation courses before the end of the first month of their first term.
If you have questions about New Student Orientation, contact Student Services.
International Student Orientation
All students are required to complete the Booth 100 and Booth 101 Orientation courses in Populi. An additional section of the Booth 100 Orientation course provides information specifically geared towards international student needs. The Booth Orientation courses are online, so you can complete these from wherever you are.