
March 28, 2024

Announcements, Community Life

As we move into this Easter weekend, I am reminded of the importance of both Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Too often we skip past the pain of the cross and rush toward the hope of the empty tomb. Nevertheless, these two events are inseparable; without Christ on the cross there is no resurrection.

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5, NRSVUE).

As we dwell with Christ in the darkness of his suffering, we are called to confront our own sin and the brokenness and suffering of the world around us. We are invited to join with all those, past and present, who lament over the injustices of our world; injustices that we have often taken part in or benefited from. We are reminded of our own inability to save ourselves or others but also of the deep love of God for all creation and the willingness of the Son to give his life to remove our shame, restore our worth, and enable us to be whole again.

These things bring greater understanding and appreciation to our resurrection hope. They keep us rooted in God’s love and in God’s mission of love to others through us. We are hope-bearers, but this happens through the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through us as we continually die to self and live for Christ.

"We always carry Jesus’ death around in our bodies so that Jesus’ life can also be seen in our bodies. We who are alive are always being handed over to death for Jesus’ sake so that Jesus’ life can also be seen in our bodies that are dying" (2 Corinthians 4:10-11).

I want to thank you all for your commitment to love, justice, mercy, and hope. I pray that over this weekend and in the weeks to come, that you may better empathize with the sufferings of Christ and our world and therein be able to more fully embrace the love and hope of God with all that you are and in all that you do.

To God be the glory!

Grace and peace,



Rev. Rob A. Fringer, PhD


The Salvation Army

Booth University College

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