
September 15, 2021

by Lieut. Colonel (Dr.) Susan Van Duinen

Greetings and Welcome to Booth University College's Fall Semester. This time of year has been a long-time favourite of mine. Actually, I could say that of every season! As we move from the scorching heat of summer into the cooler air, seemingly overnight, there is a respite and anticipation of something new.

Autumn prompts me to take stock of the year before. Those clean blank pages in notebooks, or the empty Word document page, hold promise, as do all the days of the Fall Semester. So, whether the past year has left you fractured or torn and in need of stitching back together, or you are living out this semester with a thankful heart, I hope you see that all of life is neither completely merry nor completely tragic – there is joyfulness woven throughout. The Fall Semester is a time to embrace every new moment along the way.

A prayer for you: Jesus, may we fix our eyes on You, the Author and Perfector of our faith. Guide us all through this Semester. Sometimes fears and doubts can creep into our hearts. May we cling to your promise of “Take courage. It is I! Do not be afraid.” (Mtt 14:27). Amen

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