Graduation at Booth University College occurs in October, February, and April of each year. The approval of the Senate is given to present certificates and to confer degrees on students who have fulfilled Booth University College graduation requirements.

Academic Achievement Requirements
To graduate from any Booth University College program, a student must achieve:
- a passing grade (“D” or higher) in all courses required in the student’s program
- an accumulated grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 or higher in the course requirements of the program.
Graduation from a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Business Administration degree program requires:
- a CGPA of 2.0 or higher
- a grade of C (2.0) or higher in all courses in a student’s major.
Graduation for the Bachelor of Social Work degree program requires:
- a CGPA of 2.5 or higher
- a grade of C+ (2.5) or higher in all social work courses.
Graduation With Distinction or Great Distinction
- Students with a CGPA of 3.5 to 3.74 are graduated with distinction.
- Students with a CGPA of 3.75 or higher are graduated with great distinction.
Graduation Ceremony
Only those who have fulfilled all graduation requirements can participate in the graduation ceremony. Exceptions are made only on the approval of the Academic Dean and the President.
Application For Graduation
Find the application for graduation in Populi forms. If you have trouble accessing the application in Populi and need us to send you a PDF form, email the Registrar.
There is a $75 graduation fee. This includes the rental cost of the graduation gown, cap and hood. If you miss the submission deadline, there's an additional $25 late fee. So get your graduation form in on time! If you have questions, please contact the Registrar.
Outstanding Fees and Loans
All outstanding fees and loaned library materials indicated on a student’s account must be settled prior to graduation. Students should contact the Registrar if they have any questions about their accounts.
Closing Accounts
Graduating students will retain their email address and access to their student MS Office accounts until the end of the course revision period of the following term. Be sure to transfer or save copies of any material connected to your student accounts if you wish to access it in the future.
NOTE: Accounts may be terminated sooner for students who leave Booth UC prior to graduation, depending on the reason for their departure.
Students are encouraged to remove all belongings from personal locker spaces on the Booth UC campus within two weeks of graduation. Lockers will be cleaned out annually and any belongings that are unclaimed will be donated to charity.