
Looking for a shorter degree program? Typically completed in under two years, the ASPIRE Associate of Business Administration is designed for you. 

Through a balance of focused business courses and liberal arts skills, you’ll get the knowledge and skills to enter the corporate world, develop and manage a start-up, or pursue further studies. 

Open to domestic and international students. Applications are due 15 days before the start of each term. Connect with ASPIRE Admissions for more information or to apply.



The Associate of Business Administration degree can be completed within:

  • 2 years (60 credit hours)

It consists of:

  • 10 eight-week terms with 2 courses (6 credit hours) per term

After graduating, you may choose to complete a bachelor’s degree in a variety of business sectors or gain work experience and contribute to Manitoba’s growing economy.


What You’ll Learn

Here’s what you can expect to learn in the program, in addition to our Institutional Learning Outcomes:

  • That knowledge is provisional, complex and ambiguous
  • The ability to write clearly and think critically across a range of disciplines
  • The skills to conduct scholarly research to identify and discuss ideas, practices and policies using appropriate methods and resources
  • Critical and theoretical approaches to local and global issues, and the ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches
  • Proficiency in acknowledging the diverse social, cultural and historical forces that shape identities and values
  • Proficiency in examining personal and cultural diversity
  • The ability to recognize and respond to reasonable objections, as well as arguments used to support personal positions when presenting oral and written arguments

Program-Specific Outcomes

  • Gain reading, writing, numeracy and communication skills
  • Apply theories of human behaviour and cognition to the real world
  • Understand the basic principles governing the Canadian business system
  • Identify how small businesses are formed and managed through entrepreneurship
  • Categorize the environmental factors influencing business decision-making
  • Comprehend the importance of organizational management
  • Identify the key problems facing corporate social responsibility and ethical decisions
  • Describe the importance of financing, banking and accounting to business management


For course details, visit the ASPIRE Student Handbook.

Graduation requires a CGPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of these (minimum) 60 credit hours.

  • ENG 100 University Writing (3 credit hours)
  • ENG 107A/B Representative Literary Works (6 credit hours)
  • REL 100A/B Introduction to Christianity (6 credit hours)
  • REL 270 World Religions (3 credit hours)
  • 21 credit hours required Business (BUS): BUS 190, BUS 221, BUS 230, BUS 240, BUS 250, BUS 260, BUS 270
  • 6 credit hours in social sciences
  • 3 credit hours in math and science
  • 6 credit hours in economics (micro/macro)
  • 3 credit hours in project-based learning
  • 3 credit hours upper-level BUS elective

Contact Us

Our ASPIRE Admissions Team is happy to provide more information or help you through the application process. Contact ASPIRE Admissions to learn more about the ASPIRE Associate of Business Administration or Associate of Arts programs.

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