Learn the concepts and skills for effective ministry in chaplaincy and spiritual care in a variety of settings.

The Certificate in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care can be completed in:
- 2 years (27 credit hours)
This program is delivered entirely online, except for the field hours in the practicum course.
Get an orientation to the ministry of chaplaincy and spiritual care. You'll learn about the contexts in which chaplains and spiritual caregivers minister. This program will help you develop pastoral skills that are essential for effective ministry.
The certificate follows a cohort structure. Students begin and complete the required and elective courses together.
Next Intake
Fall 2025. Find the course sequence at the bottom of this page.
What You'll Learn
Here’s what you can expect to learn in this program, in addition to our Institutional Learning Outcomes:
- Integrate contemporary questions, experience, and actions with the beliefs, traditions, and practice of the historic community.
- Demonstrate familiarity with the symptoms of selected mental/emotional problems.
- Have a framework for making decisions about the use of prayer, scripture, and religious resources in counselling.
- Articulate a personal theology for ministry reflective of your practical ministry experience.
- Demonstrate competence in the writing, use of verbatim, and group dialogue to support the action-reflection-action model of learning for pastoral interventions.
- Integrate theological understanding with psychosocial reflection in ministry activity.
- Have an ethical perspective for the ministry context.
- Have developed competency in the role of the chaplain in the interdisciplinary team.
- Show competence in required administrative functions. These include spiritual assessment and care planning, documentation of care, and program planning.
- Develop a consciousness in your role as chaplain, especially as it relates to faith development, transition, and change.
- Evaluate your attitudes and behaviours when expressing ministry to others, whatever their faith tradition, while maintaining the integrity of your own faith.
- Have a broadened understanding of the diversity and complexity of the social service context for ministry.
When it was suggested that I take the Certificate in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care program because of my new appointment as a Chaplain I reacted with – what for, I have been a Corps Officer for over 25 years there’s nothing they can teach me.’ How wrong could I have been?! I would strongly recommend that every Corps Officer should consider this as a necessary and vital learning experience. I wish I had taken these practical training courses years ago.”
- Ray Braddock (Certificate in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care/20)
Program Requirements
For course details, visit the Academic Calendar.
- 6 required courses (18 credit hours)
- 1 elective course (3)
- 1 practicum course (3)
- 1 graduating project course (3)
Required Courses (24 credit hours)
- MIN141 Biblical and Theological Foundations of Ministry (3)
- MIN242 Foundations of Chaplaincy (3)
- MIN245 Spiritual Care in Times of Crisis (3)
- MIN246 Practice of Chaplaincy (3)
- MIN248 Pastoral Counselling (3)
- MIN249 Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Practicum (3)
- MIN250 Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Graduating Project (3)
- MIN257 Individual in a Pluralistic Context (3)
Elective Courses (3 credit hours)
- MIN247 Corrections Chaplaincy (3)
- MIN254 Long-Term Care Chaplaincy (3)
- MIN255 Social Services Chaplaincy (3)
- MIN256 Spiritual Care in Family Services (3)
You can complete the practicum requirement in one of two ways:
1. Complete the MIN249 Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Practicum (3 credit hours).
- You must secure a community advisor for supportive pastoral dialogue. You and your advisor need to complete a mid and final evaluation of your development.
- If you're a Salvation Army student: complete your 200 hours of practicum field experience through your current chaplaincy appointment.
- If you're not a Salvation Army student: make arrangements for a field placement with a community facility where you can volunteer the required 200 hours. Placements must be approved by the School for Continuing Studies.
- The practicum course also includes online lessons with discussions and assignments.
2. Complete one learning unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) through the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC). Complete these steps to receive your 3 credit hours:
- Before registering with CASC, complete the Booth University College Letter of Permission process.
- After completing the CPE unit, submit CPE certification to Booth University College.
Course Sequence: Fall 2025 - Winter 2027
Fall 2025 (September to December 2025)
- MIN141 Biblical and Theological Foundations of Ministry
Winter 2026 (January to April 2026)
- MIN242 Foundations of Chaplaincy
- MIN246 Practice of Chaplaincy
Spring 2026 (May to July 2026)
- MIN245 Spiritual Care in Times of Crisis
- MIN248 Pastoral Counselling
Fall 2026 (September to December 2026)
- MIN250 Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Graduating Project
- MIN257 Individual in a Pluralistic Context
Winter 2027 (January to April 2027)
- MIN249 Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Practicum*
- Choose one of the following electives:
- MIN247 Corrections Chaplaincy
- MIN254 Long-Term Care Chaplaincy
- MIN255 Social Services Chaplaincy
- MIN256 Spiritual Care in Family Services
*Alternatively, the practicum requirement may be fulfilled by a CPE unit with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care.
Admission Requirements
Review the admission requirements for this program, plus specific details for mature students, international students, and high school equivalencies for applicants outside Manitoba.
Contact Us
Our Admissions Team is happy to provide more information or help you through the application process. Contact us if you'd like to learn more about Booth University College or any of our programs.