Whether you're studying off-campus for a day or for an extended time, we're here to support you. The John Fairbank Memorial Library offers several services to help remote learners, wherever you are.
When you contact us, let us know you’re studying remotely. Provide your name, course number, mailing address, and phone number so we can respond to your request more quickly.
Remember to plan ahead so we have time for mailing resources like books and journal articles.
Search Resources Remotely
All students are encouraged to get familiar with library resources at Booth UC and in your community.
If an article is not available online, you can request a scanned copy of the article to be sent to you.
Library Catalogue
Access the Library Catalogue from anywhere with internet. Use it to locate books, e-books, articles, videos, kits, pamphlets, etc.
Journal Articles
Our list of article sources allows you to find journal articles by subject.
Religion Resources
Search religion spcific resources in this additional collection.
Need Research Help?
Book an online research meeting
- Find better sources – and more of them – than you might have discovered on your own – and with less time and effort
- Learn about how to conduct better overall searches
- Discover how the library can help you to improve your papers, and maybe your marks!
- Learn more about how to navigate library resources, spaces, and services
Library Cards
Distance students do not require a library card to access resources off campus. Remote BoothUC students access e-resources using your Populi login (firstname.lastname) and myboothuc/M365 email password.
Salvation Army employees must contact IT Services for a password. If you want to borrow physical books, follow instructions for delivery of materials.
My Library Account
Login to your library account to see what you have checked out, renew items, view holds and requests, or check for overdue materials and fines. Remote BoothUC students use the first part of your myboothuc email address -Firstname.Lastname- and myboothuc.ca/M365 password to access your account. Salvation Army employees need to contact IT Services for a password.
Loan Periods
Distance learning students can borrow up to eight physical items per course, and request 20 electronic items per course (limit of 5 electronic items per day).
Item | Loan Period |
Books, CDs, Kits | Due at end of term/semester |
Videos and DVDs | Only available on site |
Reference books, current journals | Only available on site |
Course reserve materials | Only available on site. Loan periods vary: |
Delivery of Materials
Delivery is available for students currently taking a course through Booth UC or the CFOT who live an hour or more outside of Winnipeg. If you live within an hour of Winnipeg, you're expected to visit the library to borrow books and photocopy articles.
Physical items
Physical items (not electronic) can be mailed within Canada only. Limit of 6 items per assignment.
You can try requesting an item at your local library. If they don't have it, ask if they can borrow the item from another nearby library, often called Inter-library loan or Document Delivery. This is often faster than mailing books from Winnipeg.
If your local library can't provide access to the resources you need, we'll send them to you.
To have books mailed to you, email us with:
- author, title and call number of the item(s)
- your name, course title, and shipping address
Shipping times depend on Canada Post, but average 2-7 days. Items are ordered and shipped Monday-Friday only.
Digital copies
Get digital copies (PDF) of articles, book chapters, and select pages sent to you. Fax is available, but email is prefered. Limit of 5 requests per day, 20 items per course.
Search the Library Catalogue or any of the databases. Click on the title of the article you want us to get for you and look for the Request this item button to have an article or chapter sent to you.
Books will be sent directly to you. Keep the original packaging and the enclosed postage-paid return slip. When you're finished with them, repack them and attach the return slip to the front. You're responsible for mailing them back before the due date. Packages postmarked before the due date will not be fined.
Journal articles will be photocopied or e-mailed. You do not need to return these.
End of Semester Returns
If materials are not returned by the final day of the semester, the Library will issue a replacement bill in addition to any fines that may have accrued. You will not be issued grades or transcripts and will not be able to re-register until outstanding material has been returned or paid for.