Tell us a little bit about your background
I completed a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in psychology at the University of Manitoba in 2010, a Masters of Cognitive Science at Carleton University in 2012, and a Doctor of Philosophy in brain and cognitive sciences back at the University of Manitoba in 2017. My background is interdisciplinary, combining psychology, philosophy, and computer science.

How do the students at Booth UC inspire you?
The conversations I have with our students genuinely help me grow as an academic and a person. This past term, I ended up with two new research ideas as a result of my conversations with students in class!
What topic is particularly exciting for you to teach at Booth UC and why?
Oddly enough, my favourite topic to teach is statistics. The chance to demystify mathematics and computer programming for students and help them succeed at something they were not confident they could do is something I deeply appreciate.
What gives you inspiration / motivation in your field?
I am inspired by the sheer complexity of the brain / mind. With approximately 86 billion neurons in the human brain, each being “on” or “off” (a vast oversimplification), the number of patterns that can occur in the brain well exceeds the number of particles in the known universe!
How does your research and / or teaching help “Education for a Better World”?
To better understand the mind is to better understand ourselves and others. The concepts I teach and research have applications to problems such as memory disorders, problem gambling, cognitive biases, and educational practice, to name a few.
Outside of your work at Booth UC, what are you interested in?
I have been a bassist for 18 years and am still playing music every opportunity that I get. I am also passionate about food and cooking, especially traditional southern BBQ.