
November 13, 2023

Community Life

Did you know...? According to Statistics Canada, 22% of the Canadian population has a disability.

On November 6-10, Booth UC hosted its third annual Disability Dialogue Week. The theme this year was Educate. Empower. Encourage. as we sought to explore different ways to remove barriers and increase accessibility at Booth UC.

It was a week where we could collectively educate ourselves about the barriers that people with disabilities experience daily. It was an opportunity to empower and encourage those of us whose lived experience with disabilities might find the challenges of a post-secondary degree program to be a little overwhelming. We saw many people participate, making a difference in their own lives, as well as the lives of others in our community!

One of the highlights of the week was a presentation by Darrin Luke, Training Coordinator for Manitoba Possible. His talk, entitled "Attitudinal Barriers: Changing Hearts & Minds” took place on November 8. It brought to focus many attitudinal barriers people have that they might not even realize. For example, believing that people with disabilities cannot play sports, do housework, drive, or travel safely; assuming that people with disabilities do not know what is best for themselves, or holding lower expectations of people with disabilities.
"But the great thing about humans is that they're able to adapt and learn. And that's the same thing about people with disabilities, we adapt when we learn, we just learn to do things in a different way." - Darrin Luke

Thank you to everyone who participated in Disability Dialogue Week and we look forward to next year’s events.

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