
October 20, 2022

Community Life

Our Student Council includes a diverse student representation from around the world. Members bring their enthusiasm and fresh perspective to fulfill a mandate of fostering a vibrant, engaged, and connected student community at Booth University College. 

Student Council

  • Winnie Mukene, President
  • Barnabas Allen, VP Operations
  • Janna Elsasser, VP Activities
  • Belinda Guerra, VP Communications
  • Jin Nuyda, Commuter Student Representative
  • Avery Daugherty, Residence Student Representative
  • Matilda Saint-Lot, International Student Representative
  • Marla Warkentin, Graduating Student Representative
  • Raahil Qureshi, First-Year Student Representative

“For me, the most important goal of Student Council is to ensure that each student, on and off campus, feel integrated no matter where they are from. I want students to feel happy they chose this university because of the diversity they experience." – Matilda Saint-Lot, International Student Council Representative

"I enjoy listening to others, to ideas they may have or concerns they might raise, and ultimately taking them to heart. On Student Council, I see myself actively working with students to show them that their school representatives want to hear their voices." - Jin Nuyda, Commuter Student Representative

You can reach Student Council through their social media pages or email

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