
June 14, 2023

Community Life

Excitement and anticipation were in the air as Booth UC hosted our New Student Night on June 8, 2023. Led by the Admissions team, the event was a meet-and-greet for new students and an opportunity to interact with fellow classmates, staff, and faculty. Approximately 40 students took part, with half joining us in person and the other half zooming in from Manitoba, and around the world.

The event began with greetings from Booth UC’s President, Lt-Colonel (Dr.) Susan van Duinen, and VP Academic and Dean Dr. Linda Schwartz. Rhonda Friesen, Dean of Students, introduced the Student Services Team and highlighted ways for students to get involved on campus. She also shared resources for student health and well-being, with a focus "on the whole student."

Students were also given a quick walk-through of Populi with Registrar, Shannon Loewen. Populi is a student information and learning management system, where students can access classes, register, view grades, and make payments.

The event concluded with breakout sessions led by faculty, some mingling, and refreshments. We would like to thank everyone who participated, and the staff and faculty who made the event possible. We look forward to seeing you all in the fall!

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