
September 25, 2023


My first introduction to Booth University College was during my time as a Cadet in The Salvation Army Officer Training College. We were blessed to take some of our courses at Booth UC. After I became an Officer, I decided to continue my studies and I took advantage of the School for Continuing Studies to obtain a Bachelor of Arts (General) with a major in Biblical and Theological Studies (2020).

In 2021, I was asked to take on the role of a chaplain with The Salvation Army as an additional responsibility. Though this only required about fifteen percent of my time, I decided to enroll in the Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care program offered by Booth UC. Having talked with other chaplains, they all recommended the program. Many of them described it as being “heavy, but very good.”  I have to be honest - they were pretty much bang on in their assessment, both in terms of the program being heavy, but also exceptionally helpful. After two years of intense studies, I obtained my certificate in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in April 2023.

Now, I am a full-time chaplain at the Winnipeg Centre of Hope. I feel like I have all the tools I need to journey with people and come alongside them in whatever capacity they need.  The various courses required for the Chaplaincy Certificate Program have been extremely helpful – both personally and professionally.

The importance and power of listening was drilled into us again and again throughout the two years of the program. Lieutenant Colonel Susan van Duinen reminded us of the 80/20 ratio, where the chaplain should only talk 20 percent of the time while listening 80 percent of the time. I consider it a job well done when a client says to me after our meeting, “thank you for listening.” More importantly, I think that I have become a better listener at work and at home (but I will let my wife speak to my success on the homefront!) Through the chaplaincy program, I was reminded of the value of simply being present with someone and giving them my undivided attention as they pour out their soul.

One of my favourite memories of being a student was doing a group project online with my fellow students. As we were spread out all over Canada and even all the way to England, finding a time to meet that worked for everyone presented a unique challenge. However, it also provided me with the opportunity to get a glimpse of what life is like as a mature student juggling studies and a full-time job. I was extremely appreciative of how our instructors were so accommodating and understanding.

Booth University College, to me, is not just an educational institution. It is a community. Regardless of whether you are a current or former student, if you need assistance, all you have to do is reach out to someone, and you better believe they will be willing to help you out. I would highly recommend Booth University College to anyone who is interested in getting an education for a better world.

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