
October 26, 2023

Community Life

General Lyndon Buckingham is calling all Salvationists and mission partners throughout the world to pray for peace in Israel, Gaza and the many other places in the world where there is strife and war.

We particularly think of, and pray for, the innocent people who are caught up in the conflict–sometimes experiencing injury or even losing their lives. As the Psalmist says, “Let there be peace on the mountains and goodness on the hills for the people” (Psalm 72:3 NCV).

In response to the General’s call, Commissioner Lee Graves, territorial commander, is encouraging all corps and ministry units to set aside time to pray specifically for peace.

Commissioner Graves offers up this prayer for the people of Israel, Gaza and other war-torn regions:

Prayer for Peace for Israel and Gaza

God of love and Prince of Peace,
We pray for an end to the conflict in the Holy Land,
That all who dwell there would see an end to their suffering.
O Lord, in your mercy, 
Guide them into the path of peace.
Comfort the brokenhearted,
Bring healing to those in pain,
And give hope to those in despair.

We cry to you, Lord of all creation,
Praying that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,
For you are good and love all humankind.


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